Monday, September 30, 2019

Seven Environmental Principles

I. Definition and Importance of Political Science These are the varied definitions of Political Science as it originally emphasized by the Greek term â€Å"polis† for city-state and â€Å"scire† means to â€Å"know†: 1) It is the science that studies the political power and authority of the state and government. 2) It is the systematic study of the institution, organization, processes and laws of the government. 3) It is the study of politics that may influence the government structures and processes in a given society. ) It is how the branches of government perform the various political task such as the delivery of basic services. 5) It is the exercise of sovereign political right of the state and government to carry its task for the improvement of quality of life in the society Generally, the importance of political science is the application of political powers and authority in the realm of government structures. The ordinary citizens may know and learn about their political rights and privileges from a given form of government including the political structure and processes of the state. 1.The knowledge of human rights and privileges will educate the citizens about their role in the political affairs of the state particularly in political rights : a) The right to vote (suffrage);b) The constitutional rights and privileges ( due process of law); c) the right in providing the basic services such as education, health and sanitation, employment and other public support. 2. The study of political science motivates the citizens to participate in the political activities of the state as to achievement the development thrust of the government in relation to the improvement of quality of life. . The political science concepts on democracy, dictatorship and power structures give the citizen full understanding as to the consequences on the individual political action as defined by the political power and authority of the state. 4. The concept of p olitics may well be studied in the political science not simply in the art of persuasion and influence that the citizens learn about also how these political concept area applied in the society. 5.The comprehensive study on the branches, forms and systems of government provide the individual better understanding in the concept of separation of powers, parliamentary system, diplomatic immunity, human rights, general welfare, social services From the understandings of these basic concepts of government, state, laws and institutions those who would study political science must know its importance and function, relationship with other discipline and broader understanding to its specific roles of individual in a civilized society.The students and professionals should not only know the political theories but also deeper insights as to its application in their own field of expertise. Thus the study of political science will also include the empirical investigation of political facts throug h social research and the application of critical thinking. The key words in the comprehensive analysis on the principles of political science are state, government, law, institution, power relationships, legal process, constitutions and politics.These are the important dimensions to study political science that need to be constantly in touch to mold the citizens in achieving quality of life to our society. Definition: Political science is the academic subject centering on the relations between governments and other governments, and between governments and peoples. II. state   (stt) n. 1. A condition or mode of being, as with regard to circumstances: a state of confusion. 2. A condition of being in a stage or form, as of structure, growth, or development: the fetal state. 3.A mental or emotional condition: in a manic state. 4. Informal A condition of excitement or distress. 5. Physics The condition of a physical system with regard to phase, form, composition, or structure: Ice is the solid state of water. 6. Social position or rank. 7. Ceremony; pomp: foreign leaders dining in state at the White House. 8. a. The supreme public power within a sovereign political entity. b. The sphere of supreme civil power within a given polity: matters of state. 9. A specific mode of government: the socialist state. 10.A body politic, especially one constituting a nation: the states of Eastern Europe. 11. One of the more or less internally autonomous territorial and political units composing a federation under a sovereign government: the 48 contiguous states of the Union. adj. 1. Of or relating to a body politic or to an internally autonomous territorial or political unit constituting a federation under one government: a monarch dealing with state matters; the department that handles state security. 2. Owned and operated by a state: state universities. r. v. stat ·ed, stat ·ing, states To set forth in words; declare. III. gov ·ern ·ment ? ? [guhv-ern-muhnt, ? er-muhn t] Show IPA noun 1. the political direction and control  exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc. ; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society. 2. the form or system of rule by which  a state, community, etc. , is governed: monarchical government; episcopal government. . the governing body of persons in a state, community, etc. ; administration. 4. a branch or service of the supreme authority of a state or nation, taken as representing the whole: a dam built by the government. 5. (in some parliamentary systems, as that of the United Kingdom) a. the particular group of persons forming the cabinet at any given time: The Prime Minister has formed a new government. b. the parliament along with the cabinet: The government has fallen. IV. con ·sti ·tu ·tion ? ? [kon-sti-too-shuhn, -tyoo-] Show IPA noun 1. he way in wh ich  a thing is composed or made up; makeup; composition: the chemical constitution of the cleanser. 2. the physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc. : He has a strong constitution. 3. Medicine/Medical, Psychology . the aggregate of a person's physical and psychological characteristics. 4. the act or process of constituting;   establishment. 5. the state of being constituted;   formation. V. A good written constitution must have the following characteristics: 1. ) Broad A constitution must be broad in its scope because it utlines the organization of the government for the whole state. A statement of provisions and functions of the government, and of the relations between the governing body and the governed, requires a comprehensive document. 2. ) Brief A constitution must be brief because it is not the place in which the details of organization should be set forth. Some constitutions have been marred by the inclusion of pure regulation. 3. ) Definite The cons titution must be definite. In a statement of principles of underlying the essential nature of a state any vagueness hich may lead to opposing interpretations of essential features may cause incalculable harm. Civil war and the disruption of the state may conceivably follow from ambiguous expressions in a constitution. VI. Different types of constitutions Introduction There is no doubt that each society has political activity that connects with its social, economic, geographic and political conditions, as well as constitutional studies come at the top of the legal studies due to the subject of the constitutional law connects directly with life and cares of all citizens in the state, rulers or subjects.If the constitutional law cares with the rulers from one corner, but it determines the general aspect of authorities and regime of the governing in the state and draws the limits for specification to each authority and its relations with others. Whatever point of view, there is no dispu te on importance of the constitutional law because it cares with the rulers and subjects and upgrades to the top place. The constitution is a set of the legal rules organize entity of the state and human society that exists among definite geographic space regarding with constitution and legal rules are in permanent and continues movement.Customary Constitutions And Written Constitutions It's known that the rules regarding with any political system of any state, it will be two ways, either resulting from customary without writing out any formal texts, in this case it's said there is customary constitution. The second case it may be wrote down in formal document that is made to be known at the all (Dr. Sabri, Said). So that there two types that are customary constitutions and written constitutions. Customary Constitution The customary is considered the oldest formal resources of the legal rule.It remained the sole source of the constitutional rules in the world till 18th century. It i s theoretic and needed source, whereas gives binding force to the legal rule in the performance. (Dr. Abu Steet, A). English constitution is the clearest example for such type of the constitutional laws because the constitutional laws were formed by the customary in Britain that often represents still constitutional rules. Customary ruels include other written constitutional rules embody in the â€Å"the Greatest Era† of year 1215 A.D. â€Å"Magna Carta and Bill & Rights† of year 1689, and Parliament Act in 1911. Although such constitutional documents vary in Britain, it is not sufficient for political regime in the state that determined by customary rules in general. (Bashir, M. Ibid, page 42). The cause may be that England takes the customary constitution, this is referred to nature of the English people itself who intends to develop its rules and laws quietly without violent, as well as constitutional history began in England early.Moreover, the causes that called m ost of the countries to take with written constituions that were not available in English regime. (Al Sha'r, R. ). The importance of customary rules in the English constitution appears in survey the field that prevailed by it. Because of the English constitution is a set of the systems are often emerged in permanent customaries as long as new necessities made. If the customary rules took great importance in establishing of the constitutional laws in non written constitutions of the countries.Such rules and laws are emerged as a result of following up a public authority in the definite country relating with habit of the any target of the constitutional law without any contrary of the other authorities till it remains in the minds of the people had to respect such rules, consequently it adds binding feature. Written Constitutions The first written constitutions were English colonies constitutions in the North America after its freedom in 1776, USA Constitution in 1787 that still remai ns.Since written constitutions appeared, the idea of constitution liberty prevailed to be a tool for freedom whereas it remains with specific right for the citizen. The idea of written constitution transferred from America to France till it made the first written constitution on 3 September 1791, then coveyed into the remaining European countries. After that range of the written constitution expanded in First World War as well as expanded into the Arabian countries. Consequently, the written constitution acquired political sense because it connects closely with definite matter of the government.According to that written constitutions add on the constitutions rules emphasizing and determining. (Dr. Bashir, M). Flexible And Rigid Constitutions Explainers indicated that flexible constitution that is can be amended by the authorities and with procedures may need for the ordinary laws. When there is flexible constitution such England Constitution, this means that there is no any constitu tion from the form aspect because there is no any conditions vary between the constitution amendments and ordinary legislation amendment, so that establishing authority mixes with legislative authority.As per the rigid constitution, it can't be amended but by authorities and different procedures than such methods that amend the ordinary laws. Whereas as amendment of the rigid constitution vary here than method of the flexible constitution amendment. On the second hand, the rigid constitution has firmness feature as a result of the special procedures that are shall be regarded at amendment of its items. As per the flexible constitution doesn't stipulate definite procedure that should be regarded to amend. Bashir, Al Shafei Mohammed). This doesn't mean that the constitution can't be touched totally and it can't ever amended, but it means making and amendment it. In short, I can sum that the Standard can be taken for the difference between the flexible and rigid constitutions in as dif ficulty and complexity in amendment of the rigid constitution, if this difficulty increases, it will be rigid constitution, while this difficulty decreases, it will be half rigid or half flexible. Constitutional ConventionIt may appear along with written constitution practical needs in which written constitutional rules doesn't complicate; in this case constitutional convention appears along with constitutional flexible rules officially. This convention may interpret or complete deficit in the constitution, but some says that the constitutional convention may be amended as constitutional item. The constitutional convention emerges along with written constitution and it consists with physical and spiritual article, i. e. with following up definite custom then is followed till to be binding matter.Such customs are emerged by political life in the country to exist to the written constitution as complementary or amended rules to some its items. Accordingly, the constitutional convention is either interpretation or complementary, or amended to some items of the constitution. In the interpretation custom, the customs performs with interpreter for ambiguity of the constitutional text. To raise this role, it's supposed there is ambiguity constitutional text, as well as it shows way of application of the texts and conditions.Among examples of the interpreter custom what is made in accordance with French Constitution 1875. As per complementary custom, it overcomes interpreter custom role to play affected role along with written text, it represents in establishing new decision. As shown from its name, complementary custom may emerge to handle deficit problem of the written constitutional text because it supposes that the constitution neglects specific matter. In short that complementary constitution is unlike interpreter custom because it doesn't relay on constitution item, and also it establish new constitutional rule.Among examples is French constitution 1875 provided that election shall be the ballot, and the custom completed this item whereas the election was directly and one degree. (Abu Al Magd, Ahmed Kamal). As per amended custom, that works to amend the constitutional text, it doesn't limited to its ambiguity as interpreter custom or complete what is required of deficit as complete custom, but it aims at amendment of constitutional text and abrogate it provision and add new provision or cancel the standing text. Legal Value Of The Constitutional ConventionThe jurists vary in determine of the legal value of the constitutional convention. Some of them say that its value may be over the constitutional texts, equals to be established in accordance flexible or rigid constitution. But others say that interpreter constitution convention takes degree of the written constitutional text that is emerged beside it. As types of the other constitutional custom takes degree of ordinary law. Reference of this difference is that interpreter constitutional c onvention doesn't establish new constitutional rule other than types. (Hashish, A. H.Dar-al-Nahda Al-‘Arabia). Conclusion In conclusion, I can confirm that there is no any state can live without law and there is not law without sovereignty. So that sovereignty of the law represents in our belief distinctive standard of the state then others of human communities. Sovereignty of the law is not slogans but it is fact shall be committed and obligated till the people find it before them in their daily life. There is no doubt that constitutional law is the first laws. Emphasizing that protection of the constitution from frivolity is to protect of entity of the state.

School as the primary promoter

Developmental assets are the basic life skills and attribute that are critical building blocks for young people’s successful growth and development. They are classified broadly into two: external assets and internal assets. Each further classified into subclasses;External; support, boundaries empowerment and expectationsInternal; constructive use of time, commitment to learning, positive values, social competencies and positive identityThere are modalities in building the above assets and this was divided into 6 ways by the search institute;Everyone can build assets. Building assets requires consistent messages across a community. All adults, youth and children play a role.All young people need assets. While it is crucial to pay attention to those who have the least (economically), nearly all young people need more assets than they have.A relationship is the key. Strong relationships between adults and young people, young people and their peers, and teenagers and children are central to asset building.Asset building is an ongoing process. Building assets starts when a child is born and continues through high school and beyond.Consistent messages are important. Young people need to receive consistent messages about what's important and what's expected from their families, schools, communities, the media and other sources.Intentional redundancy is important. Assets must be continually reinforced across the years and in all areas of a young person's life. (By search institute)The assets that designate school as the primary promoter of are; · Achievement motivation; this is basically done by arousing the child psychology to act toward a desired goal. The motivation is usually achieved by understanding the child and appealing to the mental faculty of the child. These help children to achieve the following;Increase rate of high school completion, more students enrollment in college, student becomes more efficient, have greater expectation of success and achi eve better grades in school, the children have positive perception of their teachers, this also helps the children in knowing how to manage stress and anxiety. The child will also be able to communicate effectively.   All the above can only be achieve if proper technique is used. We should be able to focus on the child developing mind and self esteem which is very important in the child development. · School engagement; a developmental asset that focus mainly on the child’s involvement in the school activities. When a child participate in the school activities both extra-curricular and curricular activities, the child develops a good working relationship with his or her colleague and also with the teachers and it will help the child to develop and achieve the following; the child will want to attend school regularly, he will spend more time on his homework, it will also help the child in learning and use of â€Å"deep† study technique, there’s also greater f eeling of support at school which will affect the child’s ego positively, there’s also less involvement in drug use and less adolescent child bearing. · Homework; helps to achieve higher test scores, greater homework completion and accuracy, improved scientific literacy and fewer conduct problems and less marijuana use. Home work has the same objectives as that of school in general. It s helps by increasing the child's knowlegde and improve the capacity and skills it also help to reinforce what the child has learnt and also help in preparing them for the upcoming complex task.Risk factors that would benefit from strengthening of the assetsØ   Achievement motivation. This developmental asset is very important in building a child’s self esteem. Most human who have inferiority complex tend to lack adequate motivation from childhood. They simply don’t believe in themselves and this will surely affect their productivity.Ø   School engagement. This cant be underestimate when it comes to child’s development because it strongly influence the academic performance of the child and how he or she relates with outsiders. The school can provide activities such as sports, story telling through writing, visual autobiographies, using resources in the community to teach them and teachers can identify their successes which is utmost in boosting their moralsØ   Home-work. The third developmental assets who designate the school as the primary promoter of the child’s development are home works. Home strongly influence the way child learn   by reinforcing what he has learnt before and preventing the child from getting involve in some other activities that could have a negative impact on his life.Developmental assets and my personal philosophyDevelopmental assets are vital keys or tools in child’s development; I strongly believe that it enables parent and child care-givers and teachers to bring out the best in the ch ild so he or she can really make maximum use of his or her potentials.My experience and philosophyWhen I was young my involvement in school activities greatly influenced my life positively. I learnt how write my own stories such as my experience with riding a bicycle. With such experience, I have been able to develop my writing skills.The home works I did then was somehow stressful, because I always want to go and play but I got used to it and know I reinforce all my   classroom works by simply going over it again at home and this gave an edge in all my results.The motivation and teachings I was exposed to earlier in my life, I can manage stress and anxiety easily. So my philosophy in life about education is that â€Å"catch them young† when all is fresh and when all the neural connections are being form to achieve life success.ReferencesSearch institute. (1999). Pass it On! Ready-ta-Use Handouts for Asset Builders. Developmental assets. Retrieved July 10, 2008. From

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Twin Studies

This essay discusses twin studies with particular emphasis on the role of genetics on intelligence and personality characteristics. There has been an ongoing debate whether intelligence and personality is based on genetic predisposition or not; and basing from existing literature, twin studies show significant evidence that genes do play a significant part. Separated Twins Twin studies have been beneficial and informative regarding the mentioned debate. Identical twins become a good medium to learn from as they are 100% genetically the same. In a situation where the twins are separated and reared apart, what happens?In a work written by Lawrence Wright, he relates the story of female identical twins that grew apart and was reunited. He said that since they are genetically the same, â€Å"one could evaluate the environmental effects on the twins' personalities, their behavior, their health, their intelligence† (1997). In this particular study, the twins, Amy and Beth, were brou ght to two separate homes after birth. Amy was placed in a family where she was seen as a problem and was treated like an outsider. Amy’s mother was physically unfit and suffered from low self esteem.In contrast, Beth was treated well in the family she was adopted in and her mother did everything she can to make Beth a real part of the family. The results showed that during childhood, both child manifested same habits as â€Å"thumb-sucking, nail-biting, blanket-clenching, and bed-wetting. (1997)† Moreover, they were both afraid of being left alone. Both had school problems and problems among friends and schoolmates. Though Amy had a good mother, her psychological tests show she had â€Å"a longing for maternal affection,† which as maintained by Wright â€Å"was eerily the same as her identical sister's† (1997).Apparently, basing from the results of the study, despite growing up in different conditions, Amy and Beth were alike pathologically (Wright 1997) . In addition to this, Wright mentions that â€Å"Matters that instinctively seem to be a reflection of one's personal experience, such as political orientation or the degree of religious commitment, have been shown by various twin studies to be partly under genetic control† (1997). This demonstrates how significant a part genetics play alongside environment.On the basis of this study, Wright believes that despite external factors, genetics still rule and determine a person’s traits. Conclusion Despite the significance of twin studies, especially like in the case of Amy and Beth, it appears that much of what a person becomes may be considerably attributed to genetic factors. However, as Wright himself says, this matter has been debated on for centuries. On regards intelligence, it still cannot be established as there are variations among IQ results of both fraternal and identical twins.According to Medical News Today, there are indeed hereditary factors that affect the size of the brain. However, â€Å"the mechanisms by which interaction between genes and environment occur throughout life as well as dynamics of brain structure and its association with brain functioning still remain unknown† (2007). This suggests that further studies regarding the matter is necessary to arrive at a conclusion. Twin studies will continue to be useful in further discoveries on the study of genetics and its relationship with human intelligence and personality development.

Nivea: Softening and Standardizing Global Markets

The brand's positioning also made it distinct from other products on the market: It was a multipurpose cream sold at a price that made it available to the masses, rather than to only the upper-class women who were the competition's target market. Over the years, Naive's positioning strategy has remained as simple and steadfast as the now- familiar blue-and-white package. Despite all the technological developments the company has Introduced In skin care products, and all the markets it has sold In, Naive's marketing always focuses on key brand benefits-?high quality, reasonable price, straightforward approach, and mild skin care.This commitment to the mainstream market and focus on multipurpose applications means that every product introduced under the Naive name has to conform to guidelines which ensure that everyone working on the brand around the world knows what it stands for. Naive's marketing strategy is well stated by Roll Sunnis, chairman of the Beresford Group: â€Å"The str ategy of concentration on exploiting market potentials and regional growth opportunities is to be continued. The same applies to moves into new market segments and to increased investment in research and development. Exploiting market potentials means constantly Introducing new products that meet current market needs and the needs of newly targeted market segments. One example from the past Is Naive's emphasis on health and active lifestyles as more women went to work In the 1 sass. Others Include the Introduction of sunscreen, skin protection, and tanning products to match the more active, outdoor lifestyles In vogue from the sass to today: plus products for every skin type and need. To meet the needs of new market segments, Naive expanded its product lines to include children and men.All these new products were guided by the Naive standards: each product must meet a basic need, be simple and uncomplicated, not offer to solve only one specific problem, be a quality leader, and be p riced such that consumers perceive a balanced cost-benefit relationship. Bed's new product strategy was honed in the sass when competitive challenges prompted the company to take steps to revivalist the brand. It used a two-pronged approach. First, to counteract perceptions hat Naive had an older, less dynamic Image, the company for the first time described specific product benefits In Its advertising.Before this, advertising had focused on the variety of settings In which each product could be used, Second, BFD Introduced additional products that would leverage the recognition and reputation of the Naive name In growing segments AT ten mar et K . Nines are sun-Dramas, sun as Naive Shower and Bath, Naive for Men, Naive Sun, Naive Hair Care, Naive Body, Naive Visage, and the recently introduced Naive Baby. In 1990 BFD internationalization its rand's by creating a worldwide name for each product category and implementing common packaging on a global basis.Moreover, all ads, regardless of the country in which they ran, had to evoke a common emotion, use the same typeface, incorporate the same kinds of people, and use a uniform Naive logo. The result is a highly standardized approach to global marketing. Rather than focusing on the individual differences among peoples around the globe, the firm focuses on the similarities. After all, as one company official notes, all people have skin and many people have he same needs and ideas. This leads to a direct approach and a high degree of consistency.When a firm operates in as many markets as BFD, consistency, simplicity, and focus on the same benefits not only create a universal brand image, they also reduce headaches. Many fewer marketing decisions have to be made. Standardized advertising campaigns need be adapted only slightly by translation into the local language. Because the costs can be spread around the globe, it's much less expensive to run a single global campaign rather than many separate regional ones. And m arketing control is much simpler and easier with a standardized program.Packaging costs are reduced and product recognition is very high when people encounter the product in other countries and cultural situations. The second element of the BFD strategy is exploiting regional growth opportunities. Doing so, however, may necessitate some adjustments to the standardized approach. Because Naive Creme is a European product, its appeal and marketing approach can be very similar in many parts of the globe. The United States, Canada, Latin America, and South America were all populated by European settlers.This produces some commonality in cultural background and light skin type, with the result that many products developed for the German market can be sold in these markets with little or no product or marketing adaptation. A focus on healthy, glowing skin will sell cosmetics in nearly all these markets. Of course, the company might use darker-haired models with more olive complexions in th e Latin and South American markets. And it might develop tailored sub-brands and programs for important sub-segments of all these markets.However, as Naive moves further away from this common European cultural base, its products may be less well suited to the market. This is particularly true in African nations, where a majority of people have much darker skin and may require different sorts of moisturizer and sunscreen products. In between the European and African markets are the Asian markets, which are characterized by yellow and frequently more pale complexions. Although Naive sells well in some Asian markets, such as Indonesia and Thailand, it sells less well in Japan.The difference in sales is attributable to both market and cultural conditions. In the past, Japanese markets were strongly protected and there was relatively little competition from non- domestic manufacturers. Unfortunately for Japanese merchants, the resulting high prices provided a strong lure to foreign produ cers. When BFD first entered the Japanese market, it was highly successful. But as Japanese markets have opened up, competition has increased, price maintenance has been abolished, and prices have fallen.As a result, BFD has reduced the number of products sold there, and focused on ten more pro Detailed ones. I nerve are cultural Territories Detente markets sun as Germany, the United States, and Japan. Germany and the United States are classified as â€Å"low-context countries,† which means that ads should state explicitly what the product will do. Japan, in contrast, is a â€Å"high-context† country in which product claims do not need to be stated explicitly. Rather, because Japanese consumers want to form relationships with companies, the company itself should be prominently featured in advertising.If the company is worthy of consideration, then the quality of TTS products is assumed to be high. Thus, an advertising campaign prepared for Germany requires more than Ju st a little tweaking in order to promote products successfully in Japan. All these differences argue for more adaptation of Naive products and marketing to match cultural and market differences outside Germany and the European market. However, as economies develop, they tend to acquire many of the same tastes as developed economies. An example is Russia, where men -? especially younger men-?are beginning to spend more on cosmetics.They are eying many of the same brands as their Western European counterparts-?Gillette, Naive for Men, Old Spice, and a few designer brands such as Christian Dior, Airman, Boss Lance, Arms, Guy Larch, Gucci, and Pace Arabian. Price is not the crucial variable in the purchase decision-?men are buying based on product characteristics such as fragrance and brand awareness. For companies such as Naive and Gillette, which are willing to spend on advertising, the market seems quite responsive. The bottom line is the increasing homogeneities that argues against customization of arduous for specific markets.Speaking of bottom lines, Beresford has done very well with its own. Total sales for Beresford cosmetics business grew at 5. 7 percent in 1996, despite decreased sales of the company's higher priced Label and Atria lines and lower sales in Japan. The Naive line grew by 13. 3 percent, far outpacing the more expensive cosmetics and skin care products. However, growth around the world has been uneven. Although Bed's brands experienced double-digit growth in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Southern Europe, and South America, sales growth withinGermany and some Northern European countries has been much lower due to the difficult economic situation. Naive held its own in the United States, but grew by 36. 3 percent in Mexico. Despite strong growth in Thailand and Indonesia, sales in Asia and Australia fell by 10. 4 percent, affected by the downward trend in Japan and China. Compounding the Japanese losses are unfavorable exchange rates between th e yen and the mark, which reduced earnings even further. Even so, although the overall global picture for Beresford is quite good, it's still Just a little fuzzy in some parts of the world.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities in Japan

Persons with disabilities have historically faced many struggles. Over the centuries and in various cultures around the world, people with disabilities have had to fight for their rights to be recognized as human beings capable of living independent and valuable lives. Although the terminology has changed remarkably over the past few decades from using words such as â€Å"crippled† to â€Å"handicapped† to â€Å"persons with disabilities†, the words themselves do not change the basic state of inequality people with disabilities cope with in their everyday lives.These include barriers in many essential aspects of life such as access to independent housing, education, public transportation and employment. Without equality of access and opportunities, people with disabilities will never truly be equal in any society. First and foremost, there must be recognition of the individuality of the disability experience. There must also be a recognition that the term disabil ity embodies much more than persons who are wheelchair users. This term implies a multiplicity of experiences including persons with learning disabilities, neurological, psychiatric and intellectual disabilities.To analyze the situation of persons with disabilities in Japan, it is crucial therefore that we accept the concepts of individuality of experience and the sense of disability as implying a wide range of experiences. Another guideline that will aid us in this analysis is to accept that this situation must be understood from the perspectives of people with disabilities themselves. Therefore, it may be that while strides are being made in Japan for persons with some manner of disabilities, persons with other types of disabilities may not be experiencing the same amount of progress in their lives.In Japan as in many other countries around the world, persons with disabilities have begun to mobilize themselves. The mobilization of people with disabilities is an important step in c hanging the state of inequality to one of greater equality. This mobilization process or ‘disability rights activism’ reflects the fact that people with disabilities in Japan are no longer willing to wait for their country to make important social change. They are taking the issue of creating an integrated society seriously and are willing to work hard to attain it.Social change for persons with disabilities in Japan began to take shape in 1986. This is when the seminal organization DPI-Japan (Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples’ International) formed. The formation of this organization meant that for the first time, people with disabilities in Japan had a national and organized voice to speak on behalf of their needs and most importantly, their rights. (Country Reports 2003). DPI-Japan is an important organization and â€Å"has taken a leadership position in the grassroots consumer movement in Japan.Furthermore, it has played an important role in the di sability field at large in promoting human rights and independence of persons with disabilities† (Yuki 2000). The fact that DPI-Japan even exists is evidence of the fact that people with disabilities in Japan face significant struggles. It is also evidence that persons with disabilities in Japan have begun to organize themselves in meaningful ways to address these struggles. This organization has now taken on the responsibility of trying to transform this ancient culture into an integrated society.According to some Japanese who are involved with disability rights activism and the independence living movement, persons with disabilities in Japan face some age-old problems that their counterparts have had to deal with in many other countries – prejudice. This prejudice has its foundation in basic misconceptions about what it means to live life with a disability. As one Japanese activist stated: In Japan today, most disabled people face discrimination that confines them to living in a separate world. As soon as it is determined that a new-born child has a disability, the child is separated from other people and consigned o a separate world for his or her whole life [. . . ] Parents with disabled children often keep them at home because of the strange looks both would get from the people in the community. (Daiichi 1) This is (unfortunately) not an unfamiliar scenario for people with disabilities. Peoples’ misconceptions, parental fears and systemic barriers are the kinds of struggles persons with disabilities have faced in many cultures and in Japan. Although disability rights activists have begun to mobilize in Japan, social change is slow. Recently however change has begun to appear on the horizon of Japanese culture.In 2003, a new national organization appeared which may signal the beginning of real success in creating greater awareness of the rights of people with disabilities in Japan. The Japanese Disability Forum is a relatively new coali tion of disability-rights Japanese NGO’s. In May 2003, they had their first dialogue with the Japanese government. â€Å"As a result, Mr. Toshihiro Higashi, a board member of DPI-Japan and an attorney, became an advisor of the Japanese Governmental Delegation to the Second Session of the UN Ad Hoc Committee† (Country Reports 2). Thus, a new age is slowly dawning in Japan.These kinds of changes signify that a process of accepting and integrating persons with disabilities into a higher level of consultation and decision-making in Japan is taking place. While some may see this as a small step, it is still extremely relevant. To be taken seriously, persons with disabilities must be active in the political-decision making process. The voices of persons with disabilities need to be heard locally and nationally but not only as complaints or concerns. Their voices must also be heard as offering viable suggestions for real and practical changes to Japanese society.DPI-Japan is being taken seriously and this marks the beginning of social change for Japanese persons with disabilities. While activists fight for change, persons with disabilities continue to cope with a society, which in their opinion does not fully accept them. Japanese people with disabilities may be moving steadily into important decisions, but for many these decisions cannot be made fast enough.â€Å"The extent of the discrimination faced by and the suffering imposed upon disabled people in Japan is demonstrated by the appearance in recent years of independent living organizations all over the country. (Daiichi 2). Finally, however, disability rights activists in Japan have begun to make some significant strides. In May 2004, the Japan Diet (Parliament) passed a law entitled, The Basic Law for Persons with Disabilities. This bill includes anti-discrimination provisions, stating â€Å"Nobody shall discriminate against persons with dis- abilities or perform other discriminating acts to vio late their rights and benefits, because of their disabilities. † [†¦] However, since no penalty is stipulated its legal effectiveness and binding force are quite weak. (Ohta 2005)While this certainly has to be considered a step forward for persons with disabilities in Japan, it is a small one. There are inherent problems with this legislation that prevent it from accomplishing anything substantive. First of all, it does not define what is meant by the term disability. It may or may not be inclusive of persons with all manner of disabilities but it does not say. Second, as the comment above indicates there are no legal stipulations for what will occur when someone actually does discriminate against a person with a disability.Thirdly and perhaps most important, it does not define what they mean by discrimination. There are no guidelines here for employers, transportation officials or anyone for that matter. Here is where Japanese disability rights activists still have a gre at deal of work ahead of them. If this law is to have any meaning or impact on Japanese society, it must be defined further. It would be helpful to study other laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act which lays out very specific guidelines.There is no doubt that while some will see this as a victory, others might perceive of it as a token gesture to silence the furor that is beginning to grow in Japanese society. Indeed, some activists are beginning to take matters into their own hands. In 2003, 500 persons with disabilities, primarily wheelchair users occupied the building of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare for over two week. The reason they did so was to protest the fact that personal care or assistance would be cut from twenty-four hours per day to only four.By the time, 1200 people gathered in front of the building, disability rights activists had taken control and occupied the building for over two weeks. The government relented and did not change the service . The activists had won an important victory. (Nakanishi 2005). Other victories have also begun to take place. Also in 2003, The Human Rights Bureau of Japan (a branch of the Justice Ministry) and the Osaka Legal Affairs Bureau â€Å"conducted a joint investigation into Central Japan Railway Co. (JR Tokai) after a complaint was filed in April with the Osaka Bureau by a cart user. (Ito 2004).According to this article by The Japan Times, the company had no reason to refuse a cart user onto their system. However the reality is that â€Å"[†¦]1,29 railway stations have cart access out of 9,538 stations [†¦] and JR Tokai is one of three railways that denies access to the carts at all stations. † (Ibid) Even though the individual was denied access there is a small victory here in that the government is taking the action and not disability rights activists. There is no doubt that in Japanese society, persons with disabilities face many systemic barriers.They are still den ied access to all public transportation. Indeed, they face age-old ideas and misconceptions about what it means to be a person with a disability. There is a law on the books but an extremely weak one which seems to have little or not ability to make substantive change in the daily life of people with disabilities. While information on other issues such as employment and education did not seem to be as readily available, it seems unlikely that there would be equality in those sectors when Japanese people with disabilities are still fighting for their basic rights.According to Daiichi, many people with disabilities want out of the institutions they live in but they have â€Å"no place to go [. . . ] It is very difficult to rent private apartments, and metropolitan public housing is available only to those who apply as households. † (2) So, even such basic rights as independent living are still a struggle for Japanese people with disabilities. The one bright spot on the horizon is the continuing work of disability rights activists who will hopefully not give up the fight.

Malaysia Education Trend

Historical background of higher education Ever since the Federation of Malaya gained independence in 1957, theMalaysian education system has been developing so as to unify the nationstateand to promote economic growth. The Education Act of 1961,which followed educational reform efforts such as the Razak Statementof 1956 and the Rahman Talib Report of 1960, has governed the moderneducation system in Malaysia. These educational reforms correlated withsocioeconomic conditions.In the early 1970s, the New Economic Policy(NEP 1971), or Bumiputera Policy, was implemented. The NEP aimedto bring about a better balance in enrollment among the different ethnicgroups in Malaysia. 1 It resulted in a steady increase in the number ofBumiputera students in Malaysian universities. Furthermore, since theearly 1970s, the Malaysian government has sought to make more effectiveuse of the nation’s Malay human resources in the process of economicdevelopment, and the percentage of Malay students at ev ery educationallevel has increased steadily.Basically, the Malaysian education system follows a 6-3-2 structure,with six years of primary school, three years of lower secondary school,and two years of upper secondary school (see Appendix 1). Eleven yearsof basic education are provided to all citizens. However, the highereducationsystem has been limited to the elite citizens of the country. Performance in the public examination, known as the SPM (SijilPelajaranMalsyaia/Malaysia Certicate of Education), which is taken after theeleventh year of school, determines whether FormIV students can enterpost-secondary education (matriculation, or six Form).Until the mid-1990s,the Malaysian government encouraged students to study overseas in theU. K. , the U. S. , Australia, or Japan. The 1st phase of the establishment of public universities started in1969 under the Universities and University Colleges Act. During this time,UniversitiSains Malaysia (USM 1969), UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia(UKM 1970), UniversitiPertanian Malaysia (UPM 1971), and UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM 1975) were established (see Table 1).Moreover,four public universities were established during the second phase (fromThe Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) was created on 27 March 2004 to take charge of higher education in Malaysia which involves more than 900,000 students pursuing higher education in 20 public universities, 33 private universities and university colleges, 4 foreign university branch campuses, 22 polytechnics, 37 community colleges and about 500 private colleges. The MOHE’s mission is to create a higher education environment that will foster the development of academic and institutional excellence.It is in line with the vision of the government to make Malaysia a centre of educational excellence and to internationalise of Malaysian education. Higher educational reform and the roles of private universities in the mid-1990sIn the mid-1990s, four educational acts were implemen ted: the EducationAct of 1995, the 1995 Amendments to the University and UniversityColleges Act of 1971 (1995 Amendments to the UUCA 1971), the PrivateHigher Education Institutions Act of 1996 (PHEIA 1996), and the NationalCouncil on Higher Education Act of 1996 (NCHEA 1996).With theimplementation of the Private Higher Education Institutions Act of 1996,the private sector increased its involvement in providing tertiary education(Malaysia 2001). The Act allowed private institutions of higher educationand foreign universities to establish franchises and degree courses. Inparticular, private-sector universities were encouraged to offer science andtechnology courses in order to increase enrollment at higher-educationalinstitutions and to produce a greater number of highly skilled graduates(Malaysia 1998: 122).Six private universities, Malaysia Multimedia University (MMU), UniversitiTenagaNasional (Uniten), UniversitiTeknologiPertonas (UTP),UniversitiTunAdbul Razak (Unitar), Internationa l Medical University(IMU), and UniversitiIndustri Selangor (Unisel), began offering degreelevelcourses in engineering, business studies, medicine, and multimedia.Since that time, the number of private universities has increased, as seenin Table 2. IT-focused universities from both public and private sectors,such as Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia(UKM), Multimedia University, and UniversitiTenaga (Uniten), operatein the MSC (see Table 2).Their challenging cases will be examined as follows:the case studies of the Malaysia Multimedia University as the newlyestablished core university of MSC at 1st; second, the Malaysia NationalUniversity as the traditional university which might have some difficultiesin attempting the new challenges; and third, University Malaysia Sarawak(Unimas) which shows a need for distance learning because of its locationon the island of Borneo. Malaysia Multimedia University (MMU) as a pioneerMalaysia Multimedia University (MMU) was established as the core institutionof the MSC in July 996, and was the 1stst private university to begiven accreditation by the government. MMU has two campuses that offerfaculty in several fields: technology, IT, creative multimedia, and administration at the Cyberjaya Campus in the MSC; and technology, informationscience technology, business, and law at the Malacca campus. There are9,000 undergraduate and post-graduate students, including foreign studentsfrom 31 countries (e. g. , Brunei, Sudan, Bosnia, Malawi, Tanzania, India,Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey, China, Thailand, and Guinea 4)enrolled in MMU. MMU uses English as the language of instruction.Knowledge-Campus (K-Campus) projects of UniversitiKebangsaan MalaysiaNot only newly established universities, but also the nine historical universities(public universities established before 1994) conduct IT-relatedprojects. All nine public universities have embarked on open- or distancelearningprograms (Siowek-Lee and Rin alia 1998). UniversitiKebangsaanMalaysia (UKM, Malaysia National University), one of the most prestigiousuniversities in Malaysia, formed a special ICT committee to implementthe blueprint of ICT projects and established the Faculty of Information.Distance learning: the case of Unimas, Sarawak University Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), which is not located on the MalayPeninsula but on the island of Borneo, established its Faculty of InformationTechnology in 1993. By July 1994, the faculty offered undergraduateprograms in software engineering, information systems, internetworkingtechnologies, computational science, and interactive multimedia. Therewere 34 students at the undergraduate level and a few at the post-graduatelevel in 1994; by July 1995, the 1st Master’s students in IT graduatedfrom Unimas.The computational science program was introduced duringthe 1995-96 academic year; the joint program in cognitive science, offeredby the Faculty of Cognitive Science and Human Developmen t and theFaculty of Information Technology, began in 1996. Unimas, in collaboration with KolejLatihan Telekom (Telekom TrainingCollege), has begun offering diploma programs in multimedia (businessand computing) and in multimedia technology, which have been accreditedby the LembagaAkreditasi Negara (National Accreditation Board) (1 March2000).Moreover, the Network Multimedia Education System (NMES) waslaunched in October 2002. In the process of achieving a developed nation status by the year 2020, one of the challenges facing thegovernment is how to provide higher education for all levels of society. One solution is to use technology as anenabler to make available education to the masses. Universities are taking up the challenge by updating thecontent of their programmes but more importantly,utilising the latest technologies to improve the deliverysystems.One of the most talked about emerging delivery systems is Open and Distance Learning that isfast becoming a viable alternative in providing education to the masses. Open University Malaysia wasestablished on 10 August 2000 in response to the government’s call for the democratisation ofeducation. Although it has the status of a private university, OUM is owned by 11 public universities inthe country.As an open learning institution, OUM subscribes to the following principles:Flexible entry requirements to provide moreopportunities for all members of the society to pursue tertiary education; A learner-friendly flexible academic system wherethe constraints and needs of working adults are well understood; and Adoption of the blended pedagogy mode toenrich learning experiences. Malaysian higher education reform is progressing rapidly because thegovernment needs to develop highly skilled human resources locally toenable the nation to move toward a knowledge society, in the era ofICT.Malaysian public universities had been traditionally restricted to theelite; however, they began to be corporatized in the mid-19 90s. Privateuniversities have taken on more important roles in expanding enrollmentand maintaining the quality of higher education in science and technologyrelated to ICT. First, higher education reforms toward a knowledge society are affectingaccess and social selection with respect to ethnic and gender equality. Educational policy implemented since 1969 has provided educationalopportunities to a less privileged population, the Bumiputera.Governmentpolicy can have an effect on aspirations and, thus, the demand forhigher education. This has clearly been the case in Malaysia, which isboth an Islamic and a multicultural country made up of the Malays,Chinese, Indians, and indigenous peoples. The implementation of the NewEconomic Policy (NEP) in 1971, or Bumiputera Policy, attempts to bringabout a better balance in enrolment among the various ethnic groupsand has led to a steady increase in Bumiputera students in Malaysianuniversities.The government of Malaysia has encouraged Bumiputera studentsto pursue science courses in particular. According to the National EconomicRecovery Plan, in addition to maintaining the Bumiputera/non-Bumiputera ratio of 55:45, the Ministry of Education (MOE) is to ensurethat at least 55 percent of Bumiputera students are enrolled in scienceand technology ? elds of study at institutions of higher learning (Malaysia1998:123). This mandate is in response to the growing need for highlyskilled human resources, both to encourage economic growth and to unifythe nation, following its independence in 1957.Female Malaysian students earn better grades, in general, than do maleMalaysian students. Yet, female Malaysian students have experienced difficulties in obtaining higher education in the past. Structural and attitudinalbarriers to the equitable participation of women at the highest educationallevels have existed during the last few decades (Aminah 1998:25). Hence,their past underrepresentation was not a result of their inability but ratherthei r cultural backgrounds.As some scholars (Jamilah 1992; Aminah 1994;Fatimah and Aminah 1994; Jamilah 1994; Kamogawa 2003b) have noted,the stereotypical Malaysian way of thinking is that arts and teaching fieldsare suitable for women and that science and technology fields are suitablefor men. Consequently, Malaysian female students have had a tendency tochoose art and educational courses. Higher Education has generated RM 2. 1 billion through 70,259 international students for the year 2008. Ministry of Higher Education came out with the target: 80,000 foreign students by 2010.As at 15 January 2009, 210 out of 434 private higher educational institutions (PHEIs) and all 20 public universities have been licensed to recruit international students. Most of the international students in public universities pursue post graduate degree courses while those in PHEIs pursue both graduate and post graduate degree courses. In 2005, there were 41,559 international students, of which 7,656 were in p ublic universities and 33,903 in PHEIs. The population of international students made up 6. 4% of the total number of students in institutions of higher education.The different divisions under the Department of Higher Education will concentrate on their respective areas in improving the quality of education services and ensuring that programmes offered by the public and private higher educational institutions in Malaysia are of high quality and international standards. In their endeavour to achieve these goals, they have established promotional offices in Dubai, Jakarta, Ho-Chi Minh City and Beijing. A Technical Committee has also been formed to make Malaysia a Centre of Excellence. This committee is chaired by the Minister of Higher Education.A Technical Committee on ‘Edu-Tourism’ was also formed. Other marketing strategies include incentives offered to institutions promoting education overseas; recognition of Malaysian degrees by foreign countries and the establishmen t of the new national quality agency for both private and public higher educational institutions, i. e. Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). The ultimate aim of all these strategies is to make Malaysia a ‘favoured’ destination for international and local students to pursue their tertiary education besides making education an important export commodity that will generate foreign exchange for the country.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discussion 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion 1 - Essay Example 14). People opting to make purchases are hesitant to use the Internet or wireless technology due to security concerns since some electronic sites do not provide appropriate security and protection for shoppers and compromise details of personal information, especially those that necessiate divulging bank account numbers or credit card details. These concerns are warranted, since according to the information provided by Buenaventura (2011), â€Å"130,000,000 credit card numbers was compromised 2 years ago, which still holds the record for the largest security breach on the Internet† (par. 11). These are potentially influenced by age, educational background and profession since those who are prolific users of the internet are mostly the young generation and those who unsuspectively divulge personal information. Discussion 2: Potential Consequences: Discuss what the consequences should be for not adhering to security policy guidelines. Where or how should these consequences be communicated to employees? Do you think there should be stronger and better-defined government-specified policies/laws for the general public? Organizations that define security policy guidelines should clearly indicate infractions and penalties for violations. These should be communicated to the employees through their policy manuals and code of discipline. One strongly believes that stronger and better-defined government-specified policies and regulations; as well as stiffer penalties for those found to be violating security protocols and standards on privacy and confidentiality should be imposed to minimize and ultimately eliminate security breaches. Discussion 3: Tell me what is on your mind about Information Systems and operating systems?   What good articles have you read lately? Tell me what you think about this discussion question. Information systems (IS) are â€Å"used to capture, create, store,

The Philosophy of Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Philosophy of Mind - Essay Example It also includes a brief analysis of the response of modern science to this classical assumption. Descartes believes that the tendency to associate sensible features with bodies is a mistake developed during childhood. During these early years individuals acquire the belief that the physical world is strongly connected to their sensations, or that it has the types of attributes it seems to possess in sense perception, both sensible and automatic. But indeed, he argues, bodies possess only automatic attributes, such as motion, size, and shape, and people’s perception of sensible attributes are brought about by formation of these attributes (Wilson 49). Challenging the simple perception of the physical world is a major objective of the Meditations. The movement against faith in the senses, and specifically against the belief that bodies are the same as sensations, is an important instrument in realising this objective, because Descartes believes the simple understanding of the physical world is mostly rooted in the notion that bodies are the same as people’s sensations (Morton 99). Descartes started his pursuit of truth by using his newly developed method of inquiry. His method used intense scepticism—all ideas that are doubtful were disregarded, including ancient wisdom taught by scholasticism. More critically, Descartes also doubted ideas coming from the senses because â€Å"from time to time I have found that the senses deceive, and it is prudent never to trust completely those who have deceived us even once† (Wilson 37). Evidently this argument encouraged questioning much of the established knowledge, and eliminating them as potential groundwork of thought. All ideas of the physical world might be untrue, since knowledge of them arises from the untrustworthy senses. Moreover, the presence of the physical body was questioned based on the same justification (Engel &

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Disc 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disc 11 - Essay Example Reading this article makes it possible to see that the divine command ethics does not play a crucial role in todays technologically developing world. Despite the fact that moral values ​​are considered to be of particular importance the modern world denies their absolute status. As it is known, the divine command theory suggests that the commandments of God are the only true and cannot be violated under any conditions. However, the realities of the modern world dictate the terms under which it does not always make sense to keep Gods commandments, because this compliance can lead to consequences that are even more tragic. In this regard, a consequentialist ethical system seems to be more justified, since it takes into account the consequences of various actions and deeds of people. One of the most common and rather popular varieties of this theory is utilitarianism. It focuses on the fact that the act can be considered moral in case if it contributes to the happiness for a lot of

Stereotypes contribute to prejudiced thinking Research Paper

Stereotypes contribute to prejudiced thinking - Research Paper Example On the other hand, prejudiced thinking is defined by Stangor ( 2000, 22) as â€Å"thinking ill of others without enough warrant†. Ferguson (2004) averred that prejudice is an â€Å"attitude toward the members of some group based solely on their membership in that group (can be positive or negative).† Stereotypes are therefore generalized and confined according to distinct characteristics of persons or members of certain groups. As such, stereotyping distorts perceptions of people since once these traits are activated; those are the ones that come immediately to one’s mind – without justified warrant. As averred by Ferguson (2004) â€Å"prejudice often involves stereotypes, suggesting that all members of a group behave in certain ways and have certain characteristics.† I believe that stereotyping, whether positive or negative are both harmful in such as way that they become â€Å"self-confirming† (Ferguson, 2004), confining and distorting; and affect social judgments we have of others. As such, even positive stereotypes could have true characteristics not revealed to those who generalized them. Therefore, whatever relationships or interactions one has would be distorted due to stereotyping, eventually leading to prejudice (even positive or negative). The ability of stereotyping to give illusionary impacts makes them harmful despite their positive

Future of Print media and impact of online journalism in the UK Dissertation

Future of Print media and impact of online journalism in the UK - Dissertation Example This essay discusses that in the modern world online sources of media and entertainment has been highly significant in respect to development of the process of spreading news and information across countries. Although popularity of hard copies of newspapers are still at very high level, large section of people in the world are investing significant time of their daily routine in reading newspapers online. In the United Kingdom, large number of people is shifting their choice towards reading online newspapers. The habit of reading online newspapers is also helping professionals and students to increase their knowledge about what is happening at present all over the world. Improvements in technology are also encouraging people to use online sources of media and news in comparison with hard copies of newspapers. Hence, newspaper companies are also shifting their production structure away from hard copies of newspapers. This shift in the production process is increasing the profit earnin g ability of business organisations and is also reducing the time required by newspaper readers in respect to spending time in other works. Also the increased share of the total market consisting of newspaper readers is also getting reduced in the UK at slow speed. Online journalism is considered as one of the most important concepts in modern system of spreading knowledge and information and updating news across the globe. In modern system of journalism, online journalism is the most crucial concept essentially popularised for speed and efficiency. In businesses where

Law of international commercial arbitration Essay - 1

Law of international commercial arbitration - Essay Example Thus, if an aggrieved party has a binding international award in the case of any business dispute from another nation which is a party to the NYC and is being acknowledged as a responding nation by UK, the arbitral award would be implemented in UK. (Hirchhheim et al 154). In UK, a winning party might request to have the New York Convention award implemented in the same style as a judgment through the mechanism of the Arbitration Act, 1996. This mechanism is intended to give effect for the convention obligation of the UK to acknowledge and implement New York Convention awards subject to some restricted exclusions. It is to be noted that pure declaratory awards will equally applicable to the implementation of a New York Convention award under s.101 (2) of the Arbitration Act 1996. Further, enforcement can be disputed on the same footing as recognition. If a party wants to implement and enforce an international arbitration award in UK, he has to make necessary application to the concerned court with copy of the award and the arbitration agreement in writing within the connotation of ss.100 and 5 of the Arbitration Act, 1996. However, the party need not have to substantiate the existence or validity of an agreement. Further, the reasons for the declining the recognition and implementation should be interpreted narrowly. â€Å"The New York convention’s Article V† obliges the courts of signatory nations to implement an overseas award without evaluating the merits of the arbitrator’s verdict. For instance, English Court has refused to interfere in international arbitration awards as demonstrated in the decision made in â€Å"Lesotho Highlands Development Authority v. Impreglio SpA and others â€Å"by the House of Lords. Lesotho government engaged contractors to build a dam in Lesotho. The contract specifically stated that currency for the contract purpose will be the maloti, the local currency of Lesotho

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

First World War and the Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

First World War and the Poetry - Essay Example The poets of this period reacted in a number of ways to the war. Some of their poems deal directly with war experiences. They spoke about their fortitude and the emotional trauma that they suffered. Some addressed the futility and horrors of the war; while some expressed the loss of loved ones. The woks of poets like Edward Thomas Isaac Rosenberg, and Wilfred Owen illustrate the horrors of the war in great detail. Having a first hand experience of the war as soldiers, these writers understood the meaninglessness of the war. They realized that other than destruction there is nothing to be gained from the war. They demonstrated the same in their poetry. In Edward Thomas' poetry titled The Owl, the poet illustrates the wretchedness of the aftermath of a war. The soldier is tired, hungry and needs to rest after surviving the war. After having food at the inn, the soldier lays down to rest. But the memories of the war haunt him and he becomes restless. He realizes that war did not bring anything other than destruction and loss of lives of fellow human beings. This agitation is further heightened by the cry of the owl: The cry of the owl embodies the misery of all the soldiers who lost their lives. The owl seems to be lamenting the death of those who lost their lives. The soldier's awareness of their deprivation awakens a sense of remorse in him: Another of his poems titled The Rain, illustrates how the war can damage one's sense of worth. Feeling solitary amongst the dead bodies that are lying all around, he experiences a void which can never be filled. He is preoccupied with death which he knows is imminent: "Remembering again that I shall die" (Jon Silkin 91). The deaths have hardened him. There is no love in him. He is: "helpless among the living and the dead" (Jon Silkin 91). He does not feel any pity for the dead. His life as a soldier makes him cynical. He considers death to be a blessed condition rather than be alive with a sense of such worthlessness: "If love it be towards what is perfect and/ Cannot, the tempest tells me, disappoint"(Jon Silkin 91). Another poet who illustrated the horrors of war is Isaac Rosenberg. His poems deal with the sufferings of the soldiers. He looks at the war from the view point of a soldier. Rosenberg 'painted' what he saw and experienced; his poetry contained the colors of light/shade and the contrasts of night and day of the battlefield landscapes he constructedin his poems. These painted poems also contain a philosophizing about life andcivilization. (Trevor Tasker). Isaac Rosenberg's poem Returning, We Hear the Larks shows a soldier's preoccupation with death

Eastern religious traditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eastern religious traditions - Essay Example Accordingly, the tradition belief of the Islamic religion is peculiar in numerous ways; however, its pillars are fundamental in its description and appreciation. The Islamic tradition reveals that, the God, Allah of the Muslim believers is one, ancient with nothing foregoing Him; He is everlasting without end, abiding without termination and subsisting without cessation. This explanation intends to explain the strength and respect bestowed to Allah. It is imperative to note that the tradition attributed to the Islamic religion is immensely attributed to the major distinct features of Allah. They include transcendence, life and power, knowledge, will, hearing and sight, speech and works. It is realizable that from these distinct features the character traits of Allah are manifested. Some of them include a hearer. He hears His peoples supplication; He speaks in various forms such as commanding, threatening promising and forbidding. Moreover, the Quran describes Allah as the source of l ife and power as He manifests Himself as the Almighty, powerful and all subduing. â€Å"Who is the Lord and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth?" Say: "It is Allah." Say: "Do ye then take (for worship) protectors other than Him such as have no power either for good or for harm to themselves?" Say: "Are the blind equal with those who see? Or the depths of darkness equal with Light?" Or do they assign to Allah partners who have created (anything) as He has created so that the creation seemed to them similar? Say: "Allah is the Creator of all things: He is the One the Supreme and Irresistible.† (Holy Quran Chapter 13 Surah Raad verse 16). It is evident that this tradition of the Islamic religion involves God called Allah. This study reveals that, Allah is the God of the Islamic believers and none rescinds His command nor supplements His decrees. It is notable that His attributes as described do not resemble

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Trial by Jury, Is the Lamp That Shows That Freedom Lives Assignment

Trial by Jury, Is the Lamp That Shows That Freedom Lives - Assignment Example The task of this paper is to determine whether â€Å"the lamp that shows that freedom lives† has lost its glow or is there still a need for jury service? The answers to the questions are in the affirmative. The prevailing government policy is to limit access to trial by jury to the most serious offences or indictable offences such as murder and rape and persons accused of summary offences such as driving offences, drunkenness or disorderly behaviour, common assault and criminal damage where the damage cost is less than ?50003 shall not be entitled to a trial by jury. Cases of this nature shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Magistrates Court. On the other hand, the Magistrates or Crown Court has concurrent jurisdiction over offenses such as theft, burglary and assault resulting in actual bodily harm, these are otherwise known as the â€Å"tri-able either way† offences. However, before a case is sent to the Crown Court, the Magistrates Court shall first determine if the case is grave enough to warrant an indictment before the Crown. Jury participation is seen to have been gradually dissipated or eroded. Before 1927, a coroner’s inquests is participated by juries to determine if there is sufficient ground to indict the person accused of the crime of killing to stand trial-either for murder or manslaughter. However, jury participation in 1927 was to limited inquest cases and under the Coroners Act 19884, coroner’s jury shall be necessary only when there is reason to suspect a death occurred in prison; in police custody or as a result of police causing injury; which is reportable under separate legislation to a government department or officer or to the Health & Safety Executive; occurring in circumstances prejudicial to public health or safety; and in any other case where it appears to him that there is reason to do so. Under the guise of administration of law and speedy disposition of cases, trial by jury is restricted in minor of fences and this is advocated to favour the victims of more serious or heinous crimes. Jury participation was dispensed with under the proposed Counter-Terrorism Bill 2008 where the Home Office Secretary is empowered to create special inquests for reasons of national security or when public interest requires it. Although this provision was removed from the Counter-Terrorism Bill, it was included in the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. Jury trial has likewise been abolished in civil cases except for cases involving libel and false imprisonment as well as in the Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004.5 The first argument proffered by the government that trial by jury is a slow process is indeed valid considering that it involves jury selection, interpretation of the law and summation of evidence by the judge and ending with the deliberation of the jury to either acquit or convict however expediency should not sacrifice the right of the accused to be tried by his peers summoned to m ake an fair and impartial ruling. This is a substantial right which cannot be withdrawn at will by the government because this guarantees that the accused’

Managing Diversity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Diversity - Assignment Example Successful organisations take pride in implementing diversity at work places and they devote some resources as well for taking care of this challenge. The changing demographics of UK further compound this challenge. There are a large number of ethnic minorities in UK, and a recent study projects that, by 2020 half of UK's population will be over-50, and a third of those between 50 and retirement age will be classified as disabled. Government of UK has also realized the need for paying more attention towards the diversity in the society and managing it. The 'Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR)' has been set up by the Equality Act 2006, which emphasizes2 that 'Equality, diversity, and respect for the human rights and dignity of every man, woman and child are core values that define our lives in Britain.' The vision for the CEHR is based on the Government's view that equality is not a minority concern - it matters to every citizen. The commission will be fully functional by October 2007. While the spirit behind this act has got an overwhelming support from HR practitioners, apprehensions3 are also expressed by many speakers during a conference on race, held in London in November 2006. while HR professionals are taking a sigh of relief that the legislative mess of dealing with 35 Acts, 52 statutory instruments and 13 codes of practice on equality issues will be over with the implementation of CEHR, there are other speakers during this conference, who believe that racial concerns will slip down the agenda once they become just one part of the body's work, as it gears up to fight discrimination on seven fronts. A survey4 of 112 HR practitioners by Personnel Today's sister publication IRS Employment Review, shows that respondents hope the CEHR will make things simpler. It is worthwhile here to note that implementation of any law in letter and spirit depends on the intentions of the organisation and how seriously it values the corporate social responsibility. Therefore CEHR will have more of a guiding and nudging role in carrying out the tasks. In fact the survey findings also point out that 81% respondents would be happy if the commission just issued advice on good practice and tools for employers, rather than carry out investigations (40%) and legal enforcement (31%). Diversity Strategy and Organisational Effectiveness The global economy has made it almost mandatory for international corporations that an effective strategy is adopted for managing the diversity. Companies are moving towards flatter organizational structures, and the global economy is allowing the movement of the workforce across national boundaries, effective interaction amongst diverse workers becomes more critical for the smooth organizational functioning. In fact now that debate has started whether the concept of 'managing diversity; forms an alternative to 'equal opportunities' based on gender bias. In the UK, human resource practitioners and academics alike are becoming more aware of the emergence of managing diversity. There is now a view that, after twenty years of the '

Monday, September 23, 2019

Importance Of The Task Management In Activity Of Company Case Study

Importance Of The Task Management In Activity Of Company - Case Study Example The E-60s was set up to conduct business via the post, therefore there was no need for expensive high street offices. This is the reason why a modern business unit outside the city was selected. The unit is large, housing twelve spacious offices, with only eight infrequent use. A total of 25 full time and 5 part-time staff are employed ate-60s. The company has local-networked PCs available for all the full-time staff. The finance department uses a standard accounting software package to produce reports. All the other staff has access to word-processing and spreadsheet package software. In the 1980s and 1990s, the company saw its sales and profits rise significantly. However, in the last three years, the company has seen new competitors entering the market and offering online services - a move resisted by E-60s. In order to compete with these new competitors, E-60s conducted a customer service survey. The following are the key points identified in this survey: The company has proposed developing a new IS system to resolve many of the operational problems. In order to gauge the staff reaction to these changes, a number of focus group meetings were held. The company will develop a project plan for the development of information systems. A system life cycle for this plan is adopted. Assessments of possible problems and solutions associated with the plan will also be discussed. The Company has 5 management team, 25 full-time staff, and 5 part-time staff. At present, there is no IT staff. The administrator will take the orders thru phone and post. Upon receiving the order the admin will forward the order to finance staff. The finance staff will make necessary invoices. The packaging of products and cash flow reporting will be provided. Upon completion of this step, the product is dispatch to the customer by post.

Social issue that is arguable( I leave here open to let you selcet the Research Paper

Social issue that is arguable( I leave here open to let you selcet the topic) - Research Paper Example The situation in USA is alarming with two thirds of the adults’ population being described as either obese or overweight, while childhood obesity almost tripled in the past three decades (Kalaidis, FAO ranks USA second after Brazil with 31.8 percent of adults being obese (Kalaidis, The developing and persistent problem has led to the obesity and overweight conditions been referred to as ‘the white man problems.’ Perhaps because of the duration the problems have remained in the western world. As of 2013, statistics indicated that 23.9 million children were obese or overweight, approximately 5 times more compared to the 1970s, and 154.7 million adults in the situation, which has more than doubled after the 70s (American Heart Association, This speculation is arguably not a fact; most people in poor African and Asian nation struggle with these diseases. Past research indicate that â€Å"nutrition transition had been accelerating in developing nation, with an increasing trend in energy intake, especially from high energy density, high fat and low fiber diets, which is as a result of income changes that affect their dietary behavior, causing the burden of diseases related to poor diets shift more to the poor† (Du et al. 1512). Itâ₠¬â„¢s quite rampant in the famous sub Saharan regions where hunger and STDs have dominated. In fact the obesity situation is said to almost outdo the hunger crisis. This paper argues that the solution to preventing diseases caused by obesity and overweight does not lie within the taxation policies, but requires set of combined measures to assist the population in healthy consumption. It evaluates food taxes effectiveness, resulting implications and complexity of the policy. Governments across the world have deployed diverse measures in fight against obesity and overweight diet related

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ethical & Legal Issues in Counseling Essay Example for Free

Ethical Legal Issues in Counseling Essay Counselors like any other medical professionals are guided by professional ethics when it comes to performance of their duties. More often than not, mental health professions are usually faced with the challenge to observe ethical guidelines and legal concerns due to the unique criteria that comes with their job. Primarily, the ethical requirement requires the confidentiality, privacy, and professional relationship between the counselor and the client. This is meant to safeguard the well being of the client and the society at large. The American Counseling Association however provides the ethical guidelines to help these professionals to be able to strike a balance between the ethical practice and the legal requirements depending on the condition of the patient. This leads us to the ethical and legal issues in counseling profession which stems from the 1976 Supreme Court ruling in the State of California better known as the Tarasoff v. Regents of University of California ruling. This paper shall review the California Supreme Court ruling giving details of the case and its implications on the counseling profession. It will also revisit the Virginia Tech Tragedy and draw comparisons between the incident and the Tarasoff decision. Review of California Supreme Court findings: Mental health professionals are confronted with scenarios in which the patients are expressive of some tendencies to cause harm to other individuals. This presents a dilemma on what should the mental health professional do in an effort to avert the imminent danger that the client might pose to the third party. In legal terms, this has been referred to as ‘the psychotherapy’s duty to warn or protect third parties’. The duty to warn and/or protect the third parties came up during the Tarasoff V. Regents of the University of California case in 1976. After learning of the incident in detail, the California Supreme Court observed that the psychotherapists engaged in the treatment of mentally disturbed patients had the duty to warn the threatened individuals based on their reasonable care in an effort to prevent the foreseeable danger that may arise from the condition of the patient (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). In this landmark ruling, the Supreme Court had learnt of the negligence of the parties concerned which culminated in the death of the Tatiana Tarasoff. The facts of the case outlined that Prosenjit Poddar and Tatiana were in a relationship which to Poddar, was destined to be intimate. However, when Tatiana revealed to him that they were not going to be in such a relationship Poddar was heartbroken leading to the start of the emotional and mental breakdown. Tatiana left for Brazil in the summer of 1969 and Poddar’s conditions started to show some signs of improvement. He was later to enroll for psychotherapeutic sessions after a friend advised him to do so and became a voluntary outpatient at Cowell Memorial Hospital. He was placed under the care of Dr. Lawrence Moore and it is argued that he confided to the doctor that he was going to commit murder. He was referring to Tatiana, his supposed girlfriend when she returned from Brazil (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). Dr. Lawrence Moore took an initiative to notify the police officers based on the campus regarding the intentions of his patient. He even wrote a letter to the police Chief based at the campus elaborating that Poddar was suffering from an acute and severe paranoid schizophrenic reaction and that he could be a danger not only to himself but also to the other people. The doctor proposed that he was ready to sign the seventy-two hour surveillance order if the police decided to pick up the patient and relocate him to Herrick Hospital. The doctor also observed that his patient’s behavior could at times be rational. Doctors Gold and James Yandell, who were supervisors to Dr. Moore, agreed with his diagnosis and recommendations that Poddar needed to be hospitalized. The patient was taken by the police and put into custody. The police officers including Gary L. Browning; Joseph P. Halleran; and Atkinson interrogated Podder and found out that he was indeed rational and had changed his attitude. The police however released Poddar from custody after he promised to avoid Tatiana and stay far away from her. On the same issue, Dr. Harvey Powelson, who was the Director of Psychiatry at Cowell Memorial Hospital ordered for the return of the letter that had been written by Dr. Moore to the police chief requesting for the 72-hour emergence detention of Poddar. He called for its destruction including the notes that had been written by Dr. Moore on the patient. The Director also issued warnings against taking of any action in putting Podder under the 72-hour emergency surveillance (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). In the month of October 1969, Tatiana returned from Brazil and Poddar failed to live by the promise that he had made to the police and continued to pursue her. It is claimed that Poddar stopped his appointments with Dr. Moore after Tatiana had returned from her trip. However, the Supreme Court observed that Poddar had stopped seeing the psychotherapist after he was detained by the campus police. All the same, towards the end of October in 1969, Podder went to check on Tatiana at their home. At first he could not find Tatiana and was ordered to leave by Tatiana’s mother. Podder was to come back later equipped with a knife and a pellet gun. This time, he was lucky to find Tatiana alone at home. Tatiana refused to speak to Poddar and upon insisting, Tatiana started screaming. This prompted Poddar to aim at her with the pellet gun with Tatiana running wildly from the house. Poddar pursued her and was able to catch her up in the yard stabbing her severally. Poddar then retuned to the house and informed the police of what he had done asking to be handcuffed (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). Dr. Kermit Gruberg, who was serving the Berkeley Police Department upon observation of Poddar in less than twenty four hours of the incident, confirmed that Poddar was a victim of paranoid schizophrenia. Poddar was charged with murder though he refused to enter a plea on the ground of insanity. Some times before he was tried, examinations from a neurologist who was hired by the defense indicated that Poddar had organic abnormalities in his brains. During the trial, Dr. Philip Grossi, Dr. Gruberg, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Moore, and Dr. Gold gave testimonies that Podder was insane and a paranoid schizophrenic. It was during the testimonies of Dr. Moore and Dr. Gold that the details about the victim’s plans to murder Tatiana were exposed. Poddar was convicted to second degree murder and following numerous appeals, he was released and ordered to immediately leave the United States, never to come back (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). Vitaly and Lydia Tarasoff, who were parents to Tatiana, filed the wrongful death suits against the University of California and the psychotherapists who were treating Poddar. The parents alleged four actions which included failure to detain Poddar by the psychotherapists and failure to warn the Tarasoffs that Poddar was of potential danger to their daughter. The other two allegations included the one directed towards Dr. Powelson following his activities in abandoning a dangerous patient and the last one was regarding the ‘Breach of Primary Duty to Patient and the Public’ which was more same to the first allegation (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). The rulings of the Alameda County Superior Court and the court of appeals dismissed the case ruling in the favor of the defendants. It was argued that there was no special relationship between the defendants and Tatiana or her parents and thus there was no obligation to warn. Dr. Powelson was said to have had no duty to commit Poddar and in case he did so, this action was f\discretionary and in accordance with the statutes. The Tarasoffs were not satisfied and sought redress from the California Supreme Court (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). California Supreme Court Decision and its impacts on counseling profession: The decision made in 1976 by the Supreme Court is said to be a second time in considering the case. The very first decision was made in 1974 whereas the second decision emanated from the re-hearing which was granted in 1975. The first decision exemplified that the campus police had a case to answer for having failed to warn Tatiana whereas the second decision was freed them from all legal responsibility (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). In the second decision, psychotherapists were handed greater latitude to offer protection to the potential victims. In the first decision by the California Supreme Court, the defendants claimed that had no obligation to issue any warnings to Tatiana or the Tarasoffs since they were not patients to the therapists. The court rejected this view while observing some exceptions. Under this the court observed that though the defendants had an exceptional relationship with Poddar as their patient; they had even attempted to control his behavior through the initiation of a police detention (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). The defendants were also opposed to the duty to warn potential victims calling it problematic in the performance of their duties. However, the Court was quick to assure that not all incidences reported could result into the duty to warn and that a reasonable degree of skill, knowledge, and care would be required in exercising good judgment within the acceptable professional opinion. On the need to protect the confidentiality of the patient, the Court observed that limitation must be observed in disclosing information to prevent danger of patients to other individuals. In the second decision, the California Supreme Court required the psychotherapists to discharge duty to the endangered third parties by other means apart from warning them. The ‘duty to warn’ was therefore changed to become ‘the duty to protect’ under the second decision. The Court held on the decision that required the psychotherapy to protect third party victims upon using reasonable care aimed at protecting the other individuals from the dangers posed by their patients. The Court held that the Psychiatrists could warn the would be victims directly, sending other people who are likely to inform the intended individual, informing the law enforcement agencies, or taking any necessary step depending on the situation (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). Following the landmark ruling in the Tarasoff v. Regents of University of California, many individuals thought that such a decision was an abnormal one and likely to be overlooked. The professions in mental health also observed that this decision was aimed at undermining psychotherapy practice through the destruction of the principles of confidentiality. Such observations were to be proved wrong since in a couple of year’s time, a New Jersey Superior Court in the McIntosh v. Milano (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000), indicted a psychiatrist basing on the Tarasoff incident. It has to be observed that the California Supreme Court decision which required the mental health professions to give a warning to third party individuals who were in potential danger from their patients has been adopted in most jurisdictions and the decision has even been broaden to incorporate other areas in healthcare practice (Buckner, and Firestone, 2000). The American Counseling Association (ACA) elaborates on the steps to be taken when there is a conflict between the established code of ethics and law requirement. The ACA observes that in the event there is a conflict, the counselors have the duty to make known their commitment to the ACA Code of Ethics and when the conflict stands unresolved by this; counselors have no choice but to relinquish their code of ethics and adhere to the laws and regulations. This means that the law reigns when there is a conflict between the established ethical responsibilities and the law (Docstoc, 2010). The Tragedy at Virginia Tech: Preliminary facts regarding the tragic incident at the Virginia Tech in the year 2007 were appalling. On this fateful day, 33 students and staff lost their lives in a shooting spree carried out by one of the students at the institution. The perpetrator was an English student known as Cho Seung-Hui who was described as a loner by his colleagues and is said have been identified by at least two of his professors as troubled. Earlier on the fateful day, Cho Seung-Hui is said to have mailed a tape to NBC News after having killed two of his victims. In the tape, he fumed against the wealthy in the society and argued that the society was to blame for his actions. The tape indicates that Cho Seung-Hui was full of rage and that he was emotionally troubled. His roommates and friends observed that Cho Seung-Hui showed anti-social tendencies on campus. He is said to have rarely engaged in conversations and was known for one word answers especially on questions that could expose much of him. Further more it has been established that much of the writings made by Cho in his course work revealed violence and murderous images and fury directed towards the female gender (Angelo, 2007). The incident at the Virginia Tech relates in many aspects to the Tarasoff case where the defendants failed to issue warning to the victim and her family. The United States Department of Education findings indicate that the institution dishonored the established campus crime-reporting legislations in responding to the shootings. It is argued that after the first shooting incident occurred at around a quarter past seven in the morning only for the university to issue the e-mail warning at around nine thirty. A moment later the gunman went on a shooting spree which resulted in the death of 33 students and professors including the gunman who shot himself. Timely warning was not issued and that the e-mail that was issued was inadequate as it failed to comprehensively pass the message. The mail read, ‘shooting incident’ without mentioning any fatalities. There is no justification for the two hour delay from the very first incident and the vagueness of the warning. The Virginia Tech officials had enough information that could have helped in identifying the threat and passing information to students and employees (Lipka, 2010). After the shooting, many people have claimed to have raised an alarm regarding Cho’s behavior two years before the incident. His English teacher at the institute is said to have been alarmed by his drawings and even asked him to stay out of class. There were also two other complaints rose by female students at the institution. Cho is said to have contacted one of the female in person and by phone and the other through instant message. After the incident were reported to the campus police, the only asked Cho not to repeat his advances. In the year 2005, the victim is said to have been ordered to a psychiatric observation by a court which revealed that he posed imminent danger to himself. He is also said to have spoken of suicide on several occasion. The officials from higher education claims that these observations are in contravention with the student’s right to privacy. Thus the institution was not in any position to conduct the parents of Cho without his consent on his background (Angelo, 2007). It is evident that those who had some crucial information on Cho Seung-Hui did not take the bold step on sharing the same. It is assumed that by sharing the information that colleagues and professors held about that the young man harbored could have seen the ugly incident averted through psychotherapy. It has been argued that his roommates and some professors had observed some warning behavioral traits. According to the findings of the 2007 Report to the President on Issues Raised by the Virginia Tech Tragedy; it was found that there are impediments in sharing of crucial information. One of the findings read; Education officials, healthcare providers, law enforcement personnel, and others are not fully informed about when they can share critical information on persons who are likely to be a danger to self or others, and the resulting confusion may chill legitimate information sharing (The White House, 2007, para 4) Conclusion: In the Tarasoff incident, the patient is said to have revealed of his intention to kill the girlfriend to the psychiatrists but the therapist failed to issue a warning to the intended victim which tragically ended in the death of the victim. The therapists were found to be answerable for having failed in their duty to warn the victim of the potential danger posed by their patient. The psychiatrists cited breach of confidentiality in their defense which was dismissed by the Supreme Court ruling by offering guidelines on the confidentiality issue. The Virginia Tech incident on the other hand presents a scenario where the institution was barred by the right to privacy to inquire into the psychiatric background of the student gunman and this led to the fatal incident where many lives were lost in cold murder. Reference: Angelo, J. M. , (2007). Tragedy at Virginia Tech. Retrieved on 17th July 2010 from; http://www. universitybusiness. com/viewarticle. aspx? articleid=758 Buckner, F. , and Firestone, M. , (2000). Where the Public Peril Begins: 25 Years After Tarasoff. Retrieved on 17th July 2010 from; http://cyber. law. harvard. edu/torts01/syllabus/readings/buckner. html Docstoc, (2010). Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling Practice. Retrieved on 17th July 2010 from; http://www. docstoc. com/docs/18350933/Ethical-and-Legal-Issues-in-Counseling-Practice Lipka, S. , (2010). Virginia Tech Contests Education Departments Assertion of Late Warning in 2007 Shootings. Retrieved on 17th July 2010 from; http://chronicle. com/article/Virginia-Tech-Disagrees-With/65613/ The White House, (2007), Report to the President on Issues Raised by the Virginia Tech Tragedy, Retrieved on 17th July 2010 from; http://www. hhs. gov/vtreport. html